We experience God's grace when we see Him go beyond what He has promised, to give us gifts that we could never have created, earned, or deserved. Our children are two of those gifts of grace.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

A few photos to keep you reading...

I haven't put together the time for a long written post tonight, but I want to keep my devoted followers happy, so here are a few visual tidbits...

The Swaddle Escapee

The Obligatory Tiny Baby Foot!

A Welcome Home Cake! (lots of interest there)

(fun sidenote: I got the pants Lucas is wearing out of my old Cabbage Patch Kid suitcase -- washed them up and they fit great! I think my Aunt Lynne made them about 25 years ago.)

A Welcome Home Cake! (this time there really IS some interest from someone! I love the perspective in this shot - Meredith looks enormous and Lucas looks tiny, which is just how it feels for us!)

Comfy With Daddy -- the floor

Comfy with Daddy - the chair

and finally...

A New Approach to Bouncy Seat Comfort (thanks Holli for the pose and Breanna for the seat!)


  1. He's so tiny! What a little doll.

  2. You have an adorable son, and it looks to me like you're doing a wonderful job with him. Thanks for taking the time to post--I know how much of a challenge it can be.
